The only limits in the mind are the limits we place on the mind. The mind is the most powerful resource to heal and transform destructive patterns and belief systems that limit our happiness and success in life.
When the mind is not integrated, it is separated into the conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious mind represents decision making, analyzing and logical thinking and accounts for 10% of the minds power. The subconscious mind represents about 90% of the mind and is the storehouse of all memories, beliefs, identities, roles, culture and habitual patterns.
The subconscious mind creates imprints of what was observed at a young age (0 -13 years old) about relationships, family, health, money, success, success, failure,spirituality, emotions, values and beliefs. These imprints over time become subconscious structured identities and mental blueprints.
Identities are the various ways in which we see ourselves and the roles we take on, consciously and unconsciously. Mental blueprints act as maps of reality that hold core beliefs about the way we see ourselves and others.
When these identities and blueprints remain subconscious then we go on automatically projecting our lives, without any meaningful conscious intention in creating the reality we experience. We simply use our conscious mind to recreate whatever our subconscious mind has learned to be a past reality, even if this reality was painful.
When these identities and blueprints have negative core beliefs attached to them then we may suffer in one or all of the 4 Pillars of life, you can read about them here on the Pillars of Potential
Love and relationships
Health and Wellness
Career, Path and Purpose
Examples of Negative Subconscious Identities can be:
Examples of Negative Mental Blueprints can be:
If we wish to change these areas of our lives then we have to change the underlying identities and blueprints. Talk therapy often struggles to make major changes here because it works largely with just the conscious mind.
This approach is radically different, it works directly with the subconscious mind and in this way has a deeply impactful effect. Through cognitive behavioral techniques, mindfulness and hypnotherapy we create a bridge of awareness between the deep subconscious conditioning that limits growth and happiness and conscious goals and desires.
We go to the heart of the matter to heal and transform subconscious beliefs and identities that are attached to anxiety, guilt, anger, depression, self sabotage and other destructive patterns.
We remove all limitations in thinking and relating from the subconscious mind and consciously create new empowered blueprints and identities that support your highest potential, path and purpose.
We create a strong and powerful pathway to the subconscious mind. Through our continued work of integrating conscious and subconscious mind you will learn how to intentionally create your relationships, career, spiritual path and well being from your innate pool of limitless potential.